When starting a landscaping project, the amount of options to choose from can be overwhelming.
Two of the most popular options you’ll encounter when searching for aggregates are pea gravel and crushed stone.
While these materials may look similar and appear to be interchangeable, they have some very distinct differences.
Gravel and stone uses
Due to its texture, color, and size, pea gravel is commonly used in above-the-ground applications (e.g., flower beds and garden accents). Varying color choices allow for a beautiful complement to your landscaping and a way to stand out against the foliage.
Its smooth texture makes it the perfect material for playgrounds, walkways, patios, and other areas that people may walk on. Pea gravel can also be used as fence post installation aggregates.
Crushed stone is most commonly used as an aggregate, but can also be used as decorative rock or fill landscape beds. Its durability makes it the first choice for pipe bedding, backfill, or drainage.
The texture of crushed stone makes it easy to pack, resulting in a stable surface for driveways and other areas. Its rough edges do not make it a good candidate for playground material.
Depending on quantity, location, color, and the type of gravel or stone you want, pricing will vary. When you request a quote from PAI, you can rest assured that our knowledgeable professionals will respond quickly and accurately.
Differences in shape and size
Because pea gravel is so small, it can easily shift when it’s not edged properly. When added to a flower bed or walkway, the border must be reinforced with landscape trim or concrete blocks to keep the gravel in place.
Crushed stone is typically larger, making it better for use in parking lots, driveways, and as railroad ballast.
Regardless of your concrete or gravel needs, Port Aggregates has the skill and experience necessary to provide you with a high quality product every time. Contact us today to request a quote!