Every 100 minutes, the Louisiana coast loses an entire football field’s worth of wetlands to erosion.
If you’ve ever been near the coast, chances are that you’ve seen rip rap in place to prevent this from happening.
Rip rap is a type of large rock that’s often made of crushed granite. Manmade or natural, these rocks are often about a foot in diameter and offer several benefits.
The many advantages of rip rap
Rock rip rap is used to protect streambanks, channels, slopes, shorelines, inlets, outlets, and many other erosion-prone areas. It stabilizes and fills slopes that are unstable due to seepage and helps slow the velocity of concentrated runoff.
Not to mention, it’s also extremely easy to use and install, requiring virtually no maintenance. When placed over a filler material such as fabric, sand, or gravel, it can prevent soil from seeping through the stone and protect the underlying natural material.
Uniform vs. graded
Rip rap comes in two forms: uniform and graded. Uniform rip rap is delivered in pieces that are similar in size, whereas graded comes in a variety of different sizes. Graded rip rap is cheaper to install and better at withstanding stone movement, which is why it’s often preferred over uniform.
Port Aggregates offers three types of rip rap: 10lb rip rap (6-10”), 30lb rip rap, and 55lb rip rap. Whether your goal is to prevent erosion or simply create a garden, we’ve got just what you need. Our high-quality crushed limestone is available in numerous sizes to suit your special needs. Contact us today to request a quote!